Italian Relic S. Antonil Pat. - SANT ANTONIO DA PADOVA
Italian Relic S. Antonil Pat. - SANT ANTONIO DA PADOVA
Italian Relic S. Antonil Pat. - SANT ANTONIO DA PADOVA
Italian Relic S. Antonil Pat. - SANT ANTONIO DA PADOVA

Italian Relic S. Antonil Pat. - SANT ANTONIO DA PADOVA

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This is a beautiful relic we purchased in Marano di Napoli, Italy. This piece was part of a collection with 31 others. A relic is an object, custom, or belief that has survived from an earlier time but is now outmoded or considered old-fashioned.  Sometimes, relics are created by individuals for memories or sentimental interests. Identifying relics and their makers can be difficult, to say the least. A relic is also an artifact and a physical piece of human history. It does not necessarily need to be associated with a known historical figure. Relics have also been created over time to represent loved ones lost. This piece is approximately 2.75" in diameter. 

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